2024 Agenda


“Why don't you make like a tree and get outta here?”

Avoiding the family estate fight prior to litigation

  • Tips on key legal tools in agreements and wills along with structures to prevent litigation when addressing issues of significant differences in estate beneficiaries

  • Structuring with the crown in mind (minors and disabilities)

  • Developing clear family conferences



“Doc, you're my only hope”

Preparing for the fight

  • Capacity attacks and undue influence attacks

  • Equitable transaction reversal and retroactive planning

  • Impact of USA and agreements on litigation

  • Family agreements ahead of will planning



Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads

A history of agriculture taxation and farm planning across the prairies

  • Key decisions for farmers to examine as they move into a new economic reality

  • Planning concerns in the years ahead




Something’s Gotta Be Done About Your Kids!

  • Use of trusts for divorce, age restrictions, early share transfer and practical application

  • Planning with life estates for control

Make it a good one!

  • Capital gain planning: re-evaluating and comparing our past plans in light of new changes

  • Opportunities to multiply the capital gains exemption

  • Stop loss planning

  • Debt forgiveness

  • Tips and traps.

Your future is whatever you make it…