Speakers 2024

To cover course topics this year we are pleased to be joined by John E.S. Poyser, Tradition Law LLP Estates and Trusts in Winnipeg, Merle Good, former Alberta Provincial Farm Tax Specialist and Partner GRS Consulting Ltd, Ebony Verbonac, CPA, CA, CBV, Managing Partner KPMG, and our host Joel Bokenfohr, MFRE, FEA of Farm Credit Canada.

John E. S. Poyser, B.A., LL.B.

John Poyser is a partner with Tradition Law LLP Estates and Trusts in Winnipeg.  He practices in Winnipeg, Calgary and Toronto.  In Toronto he is associated with WEL Partners, a firm dealing exclusively with wills and estate litigation.

His practice is limited to estate litigation and estate planning.  He helps clients challenge or defend transfers of wealth made by wills, gifts and trusts. 

Nationally, he is a past chair of the Wills, Estates and Trusts Section of the Canadian Bar Association (the “CBA”), and a past Deputy Chair of the Society of Estate and Trust Practitioners (“STEP”).   Internationally, he sat as a member of STEP’s Worldwide Council from 2013 to 2016. 

He wrote Capacity and Undue Influence, an eight-hundred page textbook first published by Carswell. John coauthored ten editions of a textbook for Carswell entitled The Taxation of Trusts, a Practitioner’s Guide and is a contributor to The Estates, Trusts and Pensions Journal. 

As well as Founding Editor of The National Concordance and is an Associate Editor of The Estates and Trusts Reports.

Merle Good

Merle worked as the Alberta Provincial Farm Tax Specialist for 33years and started the Tax Update Seminar series.

 In 2012 Merle created GRS Consulting Ltd with his wife Peggy, providing professional expertise on farm succession and estate planning strategies and options. They have worked with over 1,200 family farms and presented  150 producer seminars.

Merle and Peggy continue to reside on their family farm near Cremona, Alberta and have recently welcomed their daughter Annessa and son-in law Brett to the farm as future successors.


Ebony Verbonac, CPA, CA , CBV

Ebony is KPMG Lethbridge managing partner in the tax group with KPMG in Lethbridge. Ebony works closely with her clients to determine succession strategies that make sense from both a tax and business perspective. Ebony has shared her expertise at various seminars, facilitated at many CPA institute tax courses and writes monthly articles for Alberta Beef Producers.

Joel Bokenfohr, MFRE, FEA

Joel focuses on assisting producers with decisions on succession planning, business structures, and farm financials. Joel has a Master’s Degree in Economics and farms in Sturgeon County with his family.